Forget the ‘jute, jam and journalism’ epithet given to Dundee – that goes back to the days of the industrial revolution. Today, with eyes firmly fixed on the future, the battle cry is ‘one city, many discoveries’.

And the Dundee City Council motto is ‘changing for the future’.

This is the city that in 2014 was recognised by the United Nations as the UK's first UNESCO City of Design for its diverse contributions to fields including medical research, comics and video games.

This is also the city that gave the world Grand Theft Auto with video game start up Acme Software which has evolved into Rockstar North, now headquartered in Edinburgh.

Dundee had the vision to realise that it needed to reinvent itself for the 21st century and a £1 billion 30-year plan begun in 2001 has seen the regeneration of the waterfront and the Dundee Victoria and Albert Museum which opens in 2018.

The Wall Street Journal ranked Dundee as fifth on its 'Worldwide Hot Destinations' list for 2018.

And at the heart of the community is Dundee City Council providing its essential services and playing a pivotal role in planning for the city’s future for its population of nearly 150,000.

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